My easy 5-step routine stops armpit odor in its tracks – a $5 buy keeps bacteria at bay, don’t forget the ‘smell test’

A SUMMER-READY woman has given her top tips for keeping sweat under control. She said she has a five-step routine to halt body odor, even in hot weather. Getty – ContributorA Redditor has dished on her routine to keep body odor away (stock photo)[/caption] Redditor Choice-parking-8503 posted her hack on the social media platform. The…

My easy 5-step routine stops armpit odor in its tracks – a $5 buy keeps bacteria at bay, don’t forget the ‘smell test’


Hon. Emmanuel Kwesi Bedzrah MP, since 2009

Voter Apathy and NPP’s Growing Strength Pose Challenge

 Incumbent Member of Parliament for Ho West Constituency, Hon. Emmanuel Kwasi Bedzrah, is facing a tough re-election bid as voter apathy grows and the New Patriotic Party (NPP) gains strength in the constituency.

According to sources close to the constituency, Hon. Bedzrah’s campaign is struggling to gain momentum, with many voters expressing dissatisfaction with his performance. The NPP candidate, on the other hand, is gaining traction, building on the party’s improving performance in recent elections.

Past election results show Hon. Bedzrah’s dominance in the constituency, with 91.76% of the votes in 2012 and 88.56% in 2016. However, the NPP’s performance has been steadily improving, from 10.30% in 2016 to 25.5% in 2020.

Constituents Call for Change

“We need a change in leadership,” said Delanyo Agbe, a concerned constituent. “Hon. Bedzrah has been in office for too long, and we’re not seeing the development we need. The NPP candidate is offering a fresh perspective, and what is our mp bringing on board this time around”

Bedzrah Urged to Revamp Campaign

Political analysts suggest that Hon. Bedzrah must revamp his campaign strategy to reconnect with voters, particularly the youth. “He needs to engage with young voters, showcase innovative ideas for sustainable development and job creation, and leverage social media to connect with the constituency,” said a political commentator.

The December elections are shaping up to be a keenly contested race in Ho West Constituency. Will Hon. Bedzrah be able to reinvigorate his campaign and secure another term, or will the NPP candidate capitalize on the momentum and pull off an upset? 

Only time will tell.

Volta Resistance Movement Celebrates Jerry John Rawlings’ 77th Birthday

Jerry John Rawlings

The Volta Resistance Movement (VRM) today joined Ghanaians in celebrating the 77th birthday of former President Jerry John Rawlings, hailing him as a “true son of Ghana” and a “legendary statesman”.

In a statement, the VRM praised Rawlings’ “indelible mark on Ghana’s history”, his “commitment to social justice, equality, and human rights”, and his “unwavering dedication to the nation’s progress and prosperity”.

“Rawlings’ legacy extends far beyond his presidency. He remains an icon of hope, a symbol of courage, and a testament to the power of visionary leadership,” the statement said.

The VRM also quoted Rawlings’ famous words, “The spirit of the revolution will never die”, saying his spirit continues to inspire Ghanaians towards a brighter future.

Read the full statement below,

Statement from Volta Resistance Movement on 77th Birthday Celebration of Jerry John Rawlings

Today, June 22nd, marks the 77th birthday of Jerry John Rawlings, a legendary statesman and a true son of Ghana. As we commemorate this special day, we honor his remarkable life, his achievements, and his enduring legacy.

Rawlings’ impact on Ghana’s history is indelible. His leadership and vision transformed the country, ushering in a new era of democracy, stability, and growth. His commitment to social justice, equality, and human rights inspired generations of Ghanaians.

Born in Accra, with roots in the Volta Region, Rawlings’ love for Ghana was evident in everything he did. He championed development projects across the country, investing in infrastructure, education, and healthcare. His dedication to the nation’s progress and prosperity remains unparalleled.

Rawlings’ legacy extends far beyond his presidency. He remains an icon of hope, a symbol of courage, and a testament to the power of visionary leadership. His unwavering dedication to Ghana and its people continues to inspire us all.

His remarkable role in helping out during the unfortunate Liberia and Sierra Leone civil wars cannot be underestimated .

He led by example and his memory is well etched on the mind of Ghana and the African continent .

An icon is no more with us in flesh but his spirit lives with us forever.

As we celebrate his life and achievements, we remember his words: “The spirit of the revolution will never die.” Indeed, his spirit lives on in our hearts, guiding us towards a brighter future for Ghana.

Happy Birthday, Chairman Rawlings! Your memory will forever be cherished, and your legacy will continue to inspire generations of Ghanaians to come.


Rawlings at 77: Delanyo Agbe Leads Tributes to Rawlings on His Life and Achievement

Chairman Jerry John Rawlings

Prominent NDC activist, Delanyo Agbe, has paid tribute to former President Jerry John Rawlings on his 77th birthday, describing him as a “legendary leader” and a “champion of the masses”.

“Today, we honor the life and legacy of a true icon in Ghana’s history, Jerry John Rawlings. His unwavering dedication to the cause of the ordinary Ghanaian is a shining example for us all,” Delanyo Agbe said in a statement.

As an NDC activist, Delanyo Agbe praised Rawlings’ leadership and vision, which transformed Ghana and ushered in a new era of democracy, stability, and growth. “His legacy will continue to inspire generations of Ghanaians to come, and his impact on our nation’s history will never be forgotten,” he added.

Read the full statement below,

Celebrating the Legacy of Jerry John Rawlings on His 77th Birthday

Today, June 22, marks what would have been the 77th birthday of Jerry John Rawlings, a towering figure in Ghanaian history whose life and legacy continue to inspire countless individuals. As we commemorate this day, we celebrate not just the man, but the enduring impact of his vision, leadership, and unwavering commitment to the people of Ghana.

A Brief Biography

Jerry John Rawlings was born on June 22, 1947, in Accra, Ghana, With roots in Volta Region. His journey into the annals of history began with a distinguished career in the Ghana Air Force, where his dedication and charisma quickly set him apart. It was from this platform that he launched his political career, leading a successful coup d’état on June 4, 1979, a move that sought to purge the nation of corruption and mismanagement.

Rawlings’ first tenure as head of state was short-lived, but it paved the way for his return to power on December 31, 1981, when he led another coup and established the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC). His leadership during these turbulent times was marked by significant efforts to stabilize the economy and improve social conditions. In 1992, Rawlings transitioned from military to democratic rule, founding the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and serving as the first president of Ghana’s Fourth Republic until 2001.

Political Philosophy

Rawlings’ political philosophy was deeply rooted in principles of social justice, equity, and anti-corruption. He believed in the power of the people and the necessity of grassroots involvement in governance. His policies often reflected a commitment to uplifting the marginalized and addressing systemic inequalities.

One of the cornerstones of Rawlings’ philosophy was his relentless fight against corruption. He was unyielding in his efforts to hold public officials accountable and to instill a sense of integrity within Ghana’s political and administrative systems. His approach to governance was characterized by a mix of populism and pragmatism, always striving to balance immediate needs with long-term developmental goals.

Achievements and Legacies

The legacy of Jerry John Rawlings is multifaceted and enduring. His achievements span across various sectors, leaving an indelible mark on Ghana’s development trajectory.

Democratic Transition: Rawlings played a crucial role in transitioning Ghana from military to democratic rule. His leadership in drafting the 1992 Constitution and conducting free and fair elections set a strong foundation for Ghana’s democratic governance.

Economic Reforms: Facing a battered economy, Rawlings implemented structural adjustment programs in collaboration with international financial institutions. These reforms, though controversial, were pivotal in stabilizing Ghana’s economy and spurring growth.

Social Initiatives: Rawlings was a champion of social programs aimed at reducing poverty and improving living standards. His government invested heavily in education, healthcare, and infrastructure, laying the groundwork for future advancements.

Anti-Corruption Crusade: Perhaps one of his most enduring legacies is his unwavering stand against corruption. His efforts to combat graft and promote accountability resonate deeply with many Ghanaians to this day.

A Call to Keep His Memory Alive

As we remember Jerry John Rawlings on his 77th birthday, it is essential for his followers and all Ghanaians to uphold the values he championed. His life was a testament to the power of conviction, integrity, and dedication to the greater good.

Let us honor his memory by continuing to fight against corruption, advocating for social justice, and promoting inclusive development. Let his legacy inspire us to work tirelessly for a better Ghana, where every citizen has the opportunity to thrive.

In commemorating this day, we reaffirm our commitment to the principles that guided Rawlings’ life and leadership. May his spirit continue to guide us as we strive to build a nation that reflects his vision of justice, equality, and prosperity for all.

Delanyo Agbe
Follower of Jerry John Rawlings

NDC at 32 : Return to Social Democratic Ideals to Win Election 2024 – Delanyo Agbe

Founder of NDC, Jerry John Rawlings

Ho, Ghana – June 10, 2024

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) today marks its 32nd anniversary, commemorating three decades of dedication to democracy, development, and the people of Ghana.

In a statement, NDC Activist Delanyo Agbe paid tribute to the party’s founder, Jerry John Rawlings, and past executives, men, and women who have contributed to the party’s growth. Agbe emphasized the need for the party to return to its founding ideals of social democracy, equality, justice, and grassroots participation.

“The NDC must rekindle the passion and commitment that drove our founders,” Agbe said. “We must recommit to our core values and work tirelessly to rebuild our party, reconnect with our grassroots, and promote our vision for Ghana’s future.”

Agbe urged party members to honor Rawlings’ legacy and work towards victory in the 2024 elections. “Let us celebrate our 32nd anniversary with a renewed sense of purpose and determination to build a stronger, more united NDC,” Agbe said.

The NDC has been a significant force in Ghanaian politics since its inception in 1992. As the party celebrates this milestone, it must reflects on its achievements, challenges, and future aspirations.

Apple unveils mind-blowing upgrade that lets iPhone owners create unique AI images of friends and family

APPLE has offered a first glimpse at its homegrown artificial intelligence (AI) model at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) today. And it has a mind-blowingly fun iMessage feature. AppleThe AI can create personalised images based on the people in your camera roll and photo albums[/caption] AppleAnother AI-powered iMessage boost is Genmoiji[/caption] APA large screen shows…

Apple unveils mind-blowing upgrade that lets iPhone owners create unique AI images of friends and family

NDC at 32: The Current Leaders Have Destroyed Our Solid Foundation- Koku Anyidoho

Today, June 10, marks the 32nd birthday of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), and it is obvious that all is not well within the largest opposition party in Ghana.

Birthed in Cape Coast by the cadres of the Revolution and the 31st December Women’s Movement (DWM) of Nana Konadu Agyemang-Rawlings, the NDC has grown over the 3+ decades to be a political colossus.

However, in recent times, especially after the death of the Founder, Jerry John Rawlings, it is looking like bloody battles to own the soul of the Party are tearing the NDC apart.

A former Deputy General Secretary (DGS), Samuel Koku Anyidoho, who continues to remain an ardent advocate of the principles of NDC’s Social Democratic ethos, seems to be singing dirges instead of hymns of praise.

According to Koku Anyidoho, he wreathes in daily pain at the way the current crop of leaders have destroyed the formidable glory of the NDC with their obtuse leadership style.

“It is as clear as daylight that the likes of John Mahama and Asiedu-Nketiah want to be worshipped and so they are more concerned about fanning their contorted egos rather than working in the supreme interest of our dear NDC” Koku said.

“The nonsensical turf war between John Mahama and Asiedu-Nketiah is just unacceptable” Koku said.

“As a boy growing up in Burma-Camp and living through, May 15, 1979, June 4, 1979, and December 31, 1981, my political orientation makes me cringe at what the NDC is being reduced to and it hurts deeply” Koku added.

According to the former DGS, as the NDC marks its 32nd year of existence, “some of us shall continue to fight against all forms of political immorality and political injustice to ensure that the blood and toil of our fallen heroes shall not be in vain”.

“I have refused to worship John Mahama because he did not see what I saw in Burma-Camp and he was not part of the PNDC-NDC until he roped-in himself in 1996 just to pursue his selfish political ambitions” the former DGS stated emphatically.

“On this occasion of the 32nd anniversary of my beloved NDC, I salute J.J Rawlings, Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings, D.F. Annan, Kofi Awoonor, Obed Asamoah, Alhaji Baba Kamara, Esi Pomare, Dr. Caiquo, Vincent Assiseh, Alhaji Issifu Ali, Sydney Laryea, Larry Adjetey, the cadres of the Revolution and all those who fought to give us a political tradition that we shall protect at all times without fear or favour” Koku stated.

According to Koku, he will continue to fight for freedom and justice within the NDC to keep the flame of the revolution alive, “and will not allow John Mahama and Asiedu-Nketiah to destroy what they did not build”.

The Nonsensical Agenda of Yanking Away From Founder Rawlings Is Killing The Soul of The Party- Koku Anyidoho

Koku Anyidoho having tetete a tetete with Founder Rawlings

As the 45th Anniversary of the June 4, 1979, Uprising, hit the nation yesterday, a former Deputy General Secretary of the NDC, comrade Samuel Koku Anyidoho, has bemoaned the despicable conduct of the current leadership of the Party vis-a-vis a certain nauseating agenda to obliterate the memory of the Founder, Jerry John Rawlings.

According to the former Deputy General Secretary (DGS), long before the passing of the Founder, it was very obvious that some groups within the party wanted to claim what does not belong to them and it is clear that they are now ready to throw away his memory so they can own the party for their selfish interests.

Koku Anyidoho with Founder Rawlings

According to the former DGS, Under normal circumstances, the NDC should have issued statements to mark the Day but no such thing was done.

“In as much as the nation is not obliged to remember June 4th, the NDC as a political party is not allowed to ever run away from the Day because it forms part of our history and is an integral part of the foundation of the NDC whether people like it or not” Koku said.

There is no denying the fact that people like John Mahama and Asiedu-Nketiah have been angling to delete the memory of our Founder from the NDC’s boos so that they can own the Party – and that is one of demonic things killing the spirit of the NDC” the former DGS added.

Koku Anyidoho having a tete-a-tete  with President Rawlings, Founder of the NDC.

According to comrade Anyidoho, if people do not like pork, they cannot drink pork soup. In other words, if some people do not like the history of the NDC, then they cannot continue to benefit from its existence.

“The total disrespect being shown to the memory of the Founder is not going to do the NDC any good and if the true owners of the Party do not stand up and speak. The highway robbers and buccaneers who have hijacked the party will end up destroying the party forever” a visibly disturbed former DGS posited.

According to Koku Anyidoho, the “nonsensical agenda, will only end up hurting the collective good of the NDC because some of us shall forever resist the agenda with all the strength we can muster”.

Indeed, Koku Anyidoho who is Founder and CEO of the Atta-Mills Institute (AMI), was very emphatic that, if it was not because of the tenacity of himself and his Team, the name of former President John Evans Atta-Mills would have be wiped off the face of the earth by the same group of people who want to kill the memory of Jerry John Rawlings.

“A bunch of heartless profiteers who have no commitment to the ideals and ethos of the existence of the NDC are the ones in leadership positions and dismembering what the Revolution stood for”.

According to the former DGS, John Mahama and Asiedu-Nketiah should be prepared to face the full brunt of their bad leadership if they lead the NDC into a third disgraceful electoral defeat in December.

“We shall chase them out of the NDC with uncompromising revolutionary zeal and they will not survive the onslaught” Koku concluded.

Volta Resistance Movement Commemorate 45th Anniversary of June 4 Revolution


Flt. Jerry John Rawlings

The Volta Resistance Movement (VRM) today commemorated the 45th anniversary of the June 4 Revolution, paying tribute to the late Jerry John Rawlings and the pivotal role he played in Ghana’s history. The anniversary marks a significant moment for the country, celebrating Rawlings’ leadership and the values he championed.

In a statement released by the VRM, spokesperson Delanyo Agbe highlighted the achievements of Rawlings and the enduring impact of the revolution. “Jerry John Rawlings’ leadership during the June 4 Revolution was marked by his unwavering commitment to rooting out corruption and promoting social justice,” Agbe stated. “His vision for a fair and equitable Ghana inspired many and brought about crucial reforms that shaped the future of our country.”

Rawlings, a native of the Volta Region, led the revolution with a focus on transparency, accountability, and the welfare of the underprivileged. His efforts resulted in significant policy changes that improved living conditions for many Ghanaians. “Rawlings’ tenure saw the establishment of policies that aimed to improve the living conditions of the underprivileged and fostered a sense of unity and purpose among Ghanaians,” Agbe noted.

Read the full statement below

Statement from the Volta Resistance Movement on the 45th Anniversary of the June 4 Revolution

Today, we commemorate the 45th anniversary of the June 4 Revolution, a pivotal moment in Ghana’s history that brought significant transformation to our nation. Led by one of the Volta Region’s most esteemed sons, Jerry John Rawlings, this revolution stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of justice, accountability, and resilience.

Jerry John Rawlings’ leadership during the June 4 Revolution was marked by his unwavering commitment to rooting out corruption and promoting social justice. His vision for a fair and equitable Ghana inspired many and brought about crucial reforms that shaped the future of our country. Rawlings’ tenure saw the establishment of policies that aimed to improve the living conditions of the underprivileged and fostered a sense of unity and purpose among Ghanaians.

As we reflect on Rawlings’ achievements, we must remember his dedication to the principles of transparency and accountability. He inspired not only the people of the Volta Region but also the entire nation, advocating for governance that truly serves the people. His legacy is a source of inspiration, reminding us of the power of determined leadership and the importance of standing up for what is right.

The June 4 Revolution holds significant importance for the Volta Region. It exemplifies the courage and tenacity of our people, showcasing our ability to lead and effect change. Rawlings’ legacy is a beacon of hope, urging us to continue striving for progress and to uphold the values he championed.

On this anniversary, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to citizens and soldiers who stood alongside Rawlings during the revolution. Their bravery and dedication were instrumental in driving the changes that have benefited generations of Ghanaians. We honor their contributions and recognize their sacrifices in the pursuit of a just and equitable society.

We urge all citizens of the Volta Region to uphold Jerry John Rawlings’ legacy. Let us remain vigilant in our pursuit of justice, equity, and development. By doing so, we honor his memory and continue the work he started, ensuring that the Volta Region and Ghana as a whole can thrive.

In conclusion, as we celebrate this historic day, let us be inspired by Rawlings’ vision and commitment. Together, we can build a future that reflects the ideals he stood for—a future where justice, accountability, and progress are the hallmarks of our society.

The VRM continues to remain non-partisan, with the sole aim of promoting the development and upholding legacies conributers of our beloved Region pari-passu with all other regions. 

Jerry John Rawlings

Long Live, the Memory of Jerry Rawlings, Long Live Ghana.

Volta Resistance Movement

Volta Resistance Movement Welcomes Bawumia’s Free Zone Hub Promise

Dr Bawumia

The Volta Resistance Movement (VRM) has expressed support for Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s recent campaign promise to establish a free zone hub in the Volta Region. The announcement, made as part of the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) 2024 election campaign, aims to enhance industrialization, attract investment, and create job opportunities in the region.

In a statement released today, the VRM highlighted the potential benefits of this initiative. “The establishment of a free zone hub aligns with our goals of promoting sustainable development, reducing unemployment, and enhancing the overall quality of life for the people of the Volta Region,” the statement read. “We believe that the implementation of this promise would mark a significant step forward in addressing the historical underdevelopment of our region.”

The VRM also urged all political parties to prioritize the development of the Volta Region in their campaign promises and policy plans. “It is essential that the unique needs and potential of our region are recognized and adequately addressed by those seeking to lead our nation,” the statement continued. “The VRM will continue to closely monitor the promises and commitments made by all political entities during this campaign season.”

The movement called on the people of the Volta Region to remain vigilant and engaged, ensuring that political pledges translate into tangible benefits for the community. “We appreciate Dr. Bawumia’s recognition of the Volta Region’s potential and look forward to similar commitments from other political leaders.

Read the full statement below

Statement from the Volta Resistance Movement

The Volta Resistance Movement (VRM) welcomes the recent promise made by Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to establish a free zone hub in the Volta Region as part of his campaign for the 2024 elections. This initiative has the potential to significantly boost industrialization, attract investment, and create much-needed employment opportunities in our region.

We recognize the importance of such a project and its potential to transform the economic landscape of the Volta Region. The establishment of a free zone hub aligns with our goals of promoting sustainable development, reducing unemployment, and enhancing the overall quality of life for the people of Volta. We believe that the implementation of this promise would mark a significant step forward in addressing the historical underdevelopment of our region.

Furthermore, we urge all political parties to prioritize the development of the Volta Region in their campaign promises and policy plans. It is essential that the unique needs and potential of our region are recognized and adequately addressed by those seeking to lead our nation. The VRM will continue to closely monitor the promises and commitments made by all political entities during this campaign season.

We call on the people of the Volta Region to remain vigilant and engaged, ensuring that the pledges made are substantive and actionable. The VRM stands ready to hold all parties accountable, ensuring that promises translate into tangible benefits for our communities.

In conclusion, we appreciate Dr. Bawumia’s recognition of the Volta Region’s potential and look forward to similar commitments from other political leaders. Together, we can work towards a future where the Volta Region thrives as a hub of industrial and economic activity, benefiting all Ghanaians.

We thank our Chiefs for the open-minded manner in which they allowed the Vice President to meet them and roll out his vision for the Region.

The VRM continues to remain non-partisan, with the sole aim of promoting the development of our beloved Region pari-passu with all other regions. United we stand, divided we fall.

Delanyo Agbe
Spokesperson, Volta Resistance Movement